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In the Spring-Summer of 1997 a series of cheesy "pick-up" lines were posted as part of Live Shows list. Since Spring is in the air again, I though I'd compile them here ... If you have a favorite line to submit, go for it. These may eventually find their way to a random greeting message on the site.
Cringe claims no responsiblity for the response to said lines.
- "I want you to have my children ... I don't want 'em anymore."
- "You ARE my New Years resolution."
- "If I said I could read your mind, what would you think?"
- "Are you here alone ... would you like to be?"
- "What's your mother's sign?"
- "Leave here often?"
- "If I said you have beautiful ears, would you listen to me?"
- That sucks ... "Sometimes I enjoy sucking."
- "If you promise not to smile, I'll promise not to talk to you."
- "Are you going to the U2 concert?"
- "Is that and eyeball in your socket, or are ya just happy to see me?"
- What's your sign? "Bad."
- "Sorry, I've run out of lines."